Asian Development Bank (ADB) . . . said that revival of the
Philippine industrial/manufacturing sector may be critical, since its
development has lagged most other larger countries in Southeast Asia.
[Manila Times, 10th Apr 2013] In
the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2013, the ADB explained that the
share of manufacturing in the country’s gross domestic product
declined to 22 percent in 2012 from 26 percent in 1990 . . .
[M]anufacturing in the
Philippines provides only 8.3 percent of total employment, “a much
smaller contribution than in comparable countries . . . A stronger
industrial base, particularly in manufacturing, could generate a wide
range of jobs, it said.”
will require a stronger push by policy makers to improve
infrastructure and the business environment, to encourage
manufacturers to locate in the country . . . [S]purring industrial
development requires broad-based reform to address the long-standing
challenges of under-provision of infrastructure, an unfriendly
investment and business environment, and poor governance . . . The
ADO . . . cited the recent governance reforms and gradual
improvements in infrastructure in the Philippines that enhanced the
investment environment. However, it stressed that while such reforms
are crucial, these may not be enough to attract substantial new
manufacturing investment in the near term, adding that targeted
interventions aimed at manufacturers may be also be required . . .
[T]he challenge is to identify constraints on the development of
particular industries, and formulate policies to deploy against them
. . . That requires considerable consultation with the industries
there is another challenge: "Labor cost is just one
variable," Arthur Tan told reporters Friday after IMI's [a
semiconductor manufacturer] annual stockholders meeting. He said that
even if the labor costs in China continue to increase at a
double-digit pace--as it had in the last couple of
years--manufacturing costs there will still be lower compared to the
Philippines because of the lower price of electricity and the
well-developed supply chain in China.” [Dow Jones Newswires,
12th Apr 2013] [H]e expressed doubt that the Philippines
electronics industry will post exports growth of 6% this year, as
targeted by industry group Semiconductors and Electronics Industries
in the Philippines Inc., or SEIPI. Shipments in 2012 had contracted
5.2% to $22.56 billion in 2012 . . . I think it's going to be a
challenge," said Mr. Arthur Tan, who once served as SEIPI's
president. Aside from the weakness in the global environment, he said
local manufacturers will also have to wrestle with the high
electricity costs.”
in order to be globally competitive, must be founded on producing
competitive products. And IMI in fact reflects that fundamental
problem we have in PHL; and that is, our business model in many cases
is designed around being third-party providers – like in garments
and even in the BPO industry. We are not about developing products
that would appeal to the end consumer. And that points to our
inherent weakness when measured against the imperatives of global
competitiveness: investment, technology and innovation as well as the
development of talent, products and markets. Unfortunately, our
success model and also our albatross is oligopoly – and by
definition is not geared for an open economy and open competition –
and as some legislators have revealed, worked against opening up
certain industries that could have brought in, beyond foreign
investment, technology that we sorely need. And not surprisingly, PHL
FDIs have remained minuscule. [I have in prior blogs talked about
URC, Jollibee and Splash; unfortunately, while they’ve gone global
and aren’t inward-looking, they are the exceptions. We need more of
so while OFW remittances
(“the equivalent to 8.5% of GDP, helping the country to plug its
trade deficit and amass over $80 billion of currency reserves,”
Manila Times, PH relies more on
remittance, 9th Apr 2013) may have impressed Fitch, our inherent
weakness remains; and that is, our economy isn’t designed and
geared to pursue global competitiveness . . . and accelerate economic
growth, which is why we have widespread poverty.
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